You Are Smart and Driven... Your Job Title and Degree Says You're Successful, BUT......

  • You feel like you are missing your true calling
  • You feel empty inside, like "there's just got to be more"
  • You are no longer making a difference
  • You have no idea how to make a change or where to even begin
  • You are not even sure what your dream life would look like

Remember...You are worthy right now!  

Everything you need is already inside you! You are the author of your story and you are the main character!!   

Hi, I am Karen Sarmento

As a passionate and dedicated nurse practitioner for more than 18 years and a Proctor Gallagher Certified Mindset Mentor, I specialize in empowering women like you to tap into your true potential. I understand the unique challenges you face because I too have battled some major challenges in my life. I no longer let that define me; It has made me into the woman I am today. I believe that "the woman" is a force of nature. We hold all the power within and I believe we should stand tall together in the pursuit of greatness. 

I have served 1000s over the course of my career and have spent many years studying directly with world class mentors to gain a deep understanding of the success principals that create lasting change and transformation.

My mission is to empower women to redefine what success TRULY means to her and to create a life by design. 

Here’s How I Can Support You:

New Offer

Join a supportive community of women who are looking to grow and transform into the greatest version of herself.  Women supporting women!!  Community, support, and accountability are all part of creating lasting change.
Together We Rise!

4 Week Self-Image Course

Join me on a four week deep dive journey to transform your self-image

Weekly group Zoom calls led by Karen
Weekly Lesson and the final week for Q&A
Supportive Facebook Community 

6 Month Legacy Builder

Join me on a 6 month transformational journey to transform your life

Weekly group Zoom calls led by Karen
Monthly Q&A calls
Lifetime access to Proctor Gallagher "Thinking Into Results" digital program......

Facebook Group

Join a supportive community of women who are looking to grow and transform into the greatest version of herself.  Women supporting women!!  Community, support, and accountability are all part of creating lasting change.
Together We Rise!

Listen To My Podcast Here!

Let's Stay In Touch

Copyright Karen Sarmento